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Pass4Test est un site particulier à offrir les guides de formation à propos de test certificat IT. La version plus nouvelle de Q&A BEA 0B0-106 peut répondre sûrement une grande demande des candidats. Comme tout le monde le connait, le certificat BEA 0B0-106 est un point important pendant l'interview dans les grandes entreprises IT. Ça peut expliquer un pourquoi ce test est si populaire. En même temps, Pass4Test est connu par tout le monde. Choisir le Pass4Test, choisir le succès. Votre argent sera tout rendu si malheureusement vous ne passe pas le test BEA 0B0-106.
Code d'Examen: 0B0-106
Nom d'Examen: BEA (BEA SOA Foundations Exam)
Questions et réponses: 252 Q&As
Le test Certification BEA 0B0-106 est une chance précieuse à augmenter vos connaissances de technologie informatique dans l'industrie IT. Il attire beaucoup de professionls à participer ce test. Pass4Test peut vous offrir les outils de formation particuliers à propos de test BEA 0B0-106. Vous réaliserez plus tôt votre rêve avec la Q&A écrite par l'équipe professionnelle de Pass4Test. Pass4Test se contribue à vous donner un coup de main pour réussir le test BEA 0B0-106.
Bien qu'Il y ait plein de talentueux dans cette société, il manque beaucoup de professionnels dans les domaine en cours de développement, l'Industrie IT est l'un de ces domaines. Donc le test BEA 0B0-106 est un bon l'examination de technique informatique. Pass4Test est un site d'offrir la formation particulière au test BEA 0B0-106.
Le test BEA 0B0-106 est test certification très répandu dans l'industrie IT. Vous pourriez à améliorer votre niveau de vie, l'état dans l'industrie IT, etc. C'est aussi un test très rentable, mais très difficile à réussir.
Pass4Test est un seul site de provider le guide d'étude BEA 0B0-106 de qualité. Peut-être que vous voyiez aussi les Q&A BEA 0B0-106 dans autres sites, mais vous allez découvrir laquelle est plus complète. En fait, Pass4Test est aussi une resource de Q&A pour les autres site web.
Le test de Certification BEA 0B0-106 devient de plus en plus chaud dans l'Industrie IT. En fait, ce test demande beaucoup de travaux pour passer. Généralement, les gens doivent travailler très dur pour réussir.
0B0-106 Démo gratuit à télécharger:
NO.1 When is SOA NOT an appropriate strategy? (Choose all that apply.)
A. When the applications in a given enterprise are necessarily stand-alone, and thus would not benefit
from a shared services approach.
B. When the political boundaries among lines of business and their related IT functions are
insurmountable, making sharing of functionality as
services impossible.
C. When the information systems in a given enterprise are homogeneous from a technological
perspective and thus the sharing of functionality
among them is essentially built into their construction.
D. When enterprise business processes are widely distributed across the information systems for
separate lines of business and are embedded
in the integration among those systems.
E. When application lifecycles are very short, and thus the effort to share functionality among them cannot
be offset by gains from reuse.
F. When a given enterprise has dozens or hundreds of information systems for which the exposing of
functionality from those systems as
services would be an extremely complex operation.
Answer: ACE
BEA examen 0B0-106 certification 0B0-106
NO.2 Which of the following provides the best definition of SOA?
A. SOA is a software engineering paradigm that prescribes the creation of loosely coupled interfaces
between the consumers of functionality and
the applications that represent that functionality.
B. SOA is a collection of technologies like enterprise service bus and Web Service management that
facilitate the delivery of enterprise
functionality as a set of services.
C. SOA is an IT strategy that organizes the discrete functions contained in enterprise applications into
interoperable, standards-based services
that can be combined and reused quickly to meet business needs.
D. SOA is a collection of standards, best practices, architectural models, and software development
methodologies, principally based on Web
Services, which may be incorporated into enterprise software engineering to provide information
technology to an enterprise in a
standards-based way.
Answer: C
BEA examen 0B0-106 0B0-106 0B0-106
NO.3 The aims of an SOA Program include: (Choose all that apply.)
A. The establishment of governance to standardize the way that functionality is delivered and deployed
for use by the entire enterprise.
B. The delivery of enterprise architecture that facilitates the sharing of functionality as services in a way
that is measurable and manageable and
meets operational goals.
C. The establishment of governance to standardize the way that enterprise information systems are
D. Providing accountability to the business for the translation of business requirements into information
E. The synthesis of business strategy and goals and the delivery cycles of projects into a roadmap for the
creation and deployment of shared
F. The development of any service that is to be delivered to the enterprise.
Answer: ABDE
BEA examen 0B0-106 0B0-106
NO.4 How is SOA different from previous approaches involving the sharing of information assets? (Choose
all that apply.)
A. SOA is an enterprise architecture approach that does not specify a given technology or vendor
B. SOA embodies the concept of run-time, rather than development-time or code level reuse.
C. SOA provides detailed specifications meant to provide a maximum of assurance of interoperability
among supporting technologies and vendor
D. The basis of SOA in XML and other standards provides true platform agnosticism.
Answer: ABD
BEA examen 0B0-106 0B0-106 certification 0B0-106 0B0-106
NO.5 What is the purpose of a Reference Architecture?
A. To provide a frame of reference for discussion of enterprise architecture concerns.
B. To provide linkage between the architecture of a given enterprise and certain of the enterprise
architecture frameworks, such as TOGAF or
C. To define the reference material from which answers to questions about enterprise architecture may be
D. To provide a comprehensive enterprise architecture that constitutes the correct, best practices-based
approach to constructing a modern
Answer: A
BEA 0B0-106 examen 0B0-106 0B0-106 0B0-106 examen
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